Sunday, March 1, 2009

My wedding dress and lost and found

Really these are two different things =) I got married almost 8 years ago and I have dragged my wedding dress along with us through every move we've made. I guess that would be a total of 5 moves. Several times I've thought about getting rid of it, but for some reason I still have it. Today, I saw it in the back of the downstairs closet and thought I would try it on. I know that sounds crazy, but Autumn thinks wedding dresses are princess dresses (mommy sized princess dresses). Surprisingly and thankfully it fit! That felt good to know I can still fit in my wedding dress from 8 years ago.

Lost and Found... I hate losing things--especially when I only have one of something. I only have one pair of shoes for Eli and on Thursday I lost one in the house. I looked all over and almost got really stressed by it, but I decided to try and let it go. I almost went to buy a new one on Friday but waited and used the ones that are too big for him as a filler. Today I found the missing shoe in the bottom of the dirty laundry. I was so thankful to find it--and thankful that I didn't get mad when it had gotten lost.


Kim said...

That is so not fair! I couldn't fit into my wedding dress today to save my life. Good for you. I've also considered getting rid of my dress, but I just can't let it go. As for the shoes... I'm very proud of you for letting it go and not getting stressed. I tend to overreact to things like that, so I understand! Praise God for little blessings.

Anne said...

thanks =) for being proud of me with Eli's shoes =)