Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Changes and Lessons Week by Week

Every week I feel like there are lessons I learn.  Lessons that God has to teach me.  Some weeks these lessons seem overwhelming.  Am I ever going to get it?  Is there ever going to be a week when I can pause and catch my breath?

I don't know.

This past week found my husband and I buying a new car at the beginning of the week.  The end of the week found us making serious decisions about seminary.  Tuesday found me realizing that I have my limits.  Saturday morning found me reflecting on The Hunger Games and the Twilight series while my husband went to work.  The very end of the week found us reflecting on how to be good hosts to groups of people in our home.

Buying a new car...
When my husband and I first married, we struggled to navigate the waters of making decisions together.  We learned to trust each other.  We learned to accept the others' questions and concerns.  Sometimes it's hard to hear other people's opinions.  I was so proud of my husband at the car dealer.  As we sat, he told me that he wasn't willing to sign if I didn't have peace.  I didn't.  The price was too hight.  He was willing to walk away.  We got up and began to thank the salesman for his time with the sincere intention to leave.  The salesman asked what we would pay.  We gave him the number.  I had a number that was too low, my husband's was a little higher, but reasonable for us.  The salesman went to his manager and came back to say the deal was made.  The dealer took $1300 more off the price.  My husband left with a car that is comfortable and enjoyable for him to ride on his long commute.  Praise God!  My husband has endured long commutes for 7 years and I want his commute to be easier, not harder.  I left with a smile in my heart.  We did it together.  After multiple motorcycle purchases and four car purchases, we can communicate and work as a team on these decisions.  Yippee!

I got an email from someone and in a moment simply new I had hit my limit.  I almost always say yes when my husband asks me to do something for him or when anyone else asks as well.  But, in that moment, I knew I had to say no.  I called my husband and told him.  I gave the ball to him.  I needed him to stand for me and handle the situation.  He did.  He said no for me--for us.  It wasn't a matter of "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  I know that.  God will give me strength when there is something He wants me to do--I have no doubt of this.  But, somehow I just knew it was a time to say no.  This was good for my husband and for me.  I think my friends are sometimes concerned that I take on too much.  I know this also concerns my husband.  I am going to remind him in the future that I can and will say no when I need to!

Books and Reading...
My book reviewing hobby and homeschooling avid readers has caused me to reflect deeply about the books I read and why.  Seven years ago, I looked at books very differently.  I was a teacher, but not a parent of a child who could read.  I suspect that food critics weren't born food critics.  They ate food and as they ate, they began to discern what tasted better to them and what didn't.  Then, they likely began to express what the differences were.  That's the way I feel about books.  I've read about 400 books of all different genres--adults, childrens, nonfiction, fiction...  It has made me think about what we feed our minds and what we dwell on.  I read parts of the first Twilight book and Hunger Games.  It was interesting.  Good food for thought.  I didn't read either completely for different reasons, which is a long discussion.  But, I'm glad I read parts of these two books.  

My husband withdrew from his seminary classes for this semester and concluded that this is not the time for seminary for our family.  He wants to be able to be a good husband and father.  He wants to play with his kids and not tell them he doesn't have time.  He wants to do the things he has to do--well.  His job, being a dad and husband, caring for our moms, music at church...  His plate is full.  I am proud of him and thankful for him--more than I can even begin to explain.  

So, that was my week.  I am not superwoman.  I will not be superwoman.  God is good, gracious, and merciful.  I am trusting in His plans and taking one step at a time.  

So, that's me.

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