On vacation, Autumn got a Life is Good tshirt that says, "Smile... It's free." I love it. I wish I could have one, too.
I've let my kids sleep in this morning and I need to go wake them up. It's been a busy past two weeks for them. They're troopers and I love them. I wanted to write down the things popping into my head at the moment.
1. Smile. A lot. Every chance you get. Smiling makes you feel good and makes others people feel good. It breaks the silence. It breaks up the pain. It breaks up the hurt. It reminds you of God's beauty, His comfort, and that He's in control. We can trust Him.
2. Smile. Tell my kids I love them. A lot. Even though they've heard it before.
3. Snuggle with my kids. Read together. Break out of the cycle of being driven by the idea that I have to get so much done. Take a 30 minute reading break in the living room. Don't feel guilty. It's impossible to get everything done every day.
4. Don't compare. Don't compare my children to one another. They are all different and I love them all. Emphasize and remind them of their strengths and that God made them the way they are. Don't directly or indirectly compare. Teach them that everyone has their own strengths.
5. Let go. Let go of the past and cope with the present. Don't let the past put a noose around my neck.
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