Saturday, October 3, 2015

Growing in Grace

Grace.  We are saved by God's grace.  And the Word calls us to show grace to others.  It is one of the most beautiful and wonderful, yet difficult words.  Over the years, I've several books about grace that I have learned from and enjoyed.  The Discipline of Grace is probably my most favorite.  A second place would go to Becoming a Woman of Grace by Cynthia Heald.  Lastly, What's so Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey is full of challenges to Christians about what Grace looks like and should look like.

In front of me, sits another book about grace.  It is titled Grin With Grace by Kathy Carlton Willis.
 Ms. Willis writes from her heart in this book.  It's full of stories of her life and what the Lord has taught her.  She writes with a very casual tone as if she was talking with a group of ladies at her church.  The tone of her book sounds like that of talks I've heard at various women's retreats I've gone to over the years.

If you enjoy books by Women of Faith conference authors or from Lysa TerKeurst's ministry, then you may enjoy this new Bible study about grace.  This book is more book than Bible study.  There are reflection questions, but they aren't questions like the ones in Ms. Heald's study about Grace.  If you're looking for a Bible Study about Grace that will get you into God's Word every day, I'd recommend Becoming a Woman of Grace.  If you're looking for a lighter study filled with life stories and reflection questions, this may be what you're looking for instead.

I find that I don't have a lot of time these days for this kind of Bible study.  My life has been crazy busy the past two months.  As a result, I need go through a study that just gets me into God's Word right away.  That's where my head and heart need to settle right away.

But, I respect Ms. Willis' honesty in her book and her heartfelt admissions about the lessons she's learned over the years.  On her website,, she shares a great deal of information about herself--you can quickly get to know her.  I admire that she can grin with grace after all that she has walked through in this life.  She's gone through a lot, so she knows first hand what she's talking about.  If you read her website and resonate with what she's gone through, you may really be encouraged by her book.

One quick last note, I did think this book would be for younger women--even teenagers, but this book is really for women in their 20s and up.  There were a few stories that I think teenage girls might cringe at and not connect with--I'll say no more.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this book for review from the author.

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