Monday, October 17, 2011

Little Lessons from Knitting

I spend more time than I'd like on the computer.  I have realized many times that it is easy to gravitate to this thing on the desk which I can turn on and be instantly entertained by or interact with.  But, is it real interaction?  No, not really.  It's this semi-real kind of thing.  I think it falls in a gray area.  It's not entirely authentic and real or entirely fake.  One of the conclusions I've come to as I've watched myself spend more time, mostly out of necessity, on the computer is that I need to seek out real, tangible hobbies all the more.  I need to put the people in my life that need me first at all times.  Interruptions that are real need to take precedence. 

I have a few hobbies that I enjoy.  I knit--just simple blankets.  I like to quilt and do simple sewing.  I try my hand at gardening--it gets me outside in the sun.  With homeschooling and taking care of my kids and home, there isn't time for much.  I find time to squeeze in these book reviews and blog because it keeps my brain fired up and thinking. 

Revell is publishing a book of encouragement for knitters.  It's titled Knit with Love by Lisa Bogart.  In all things, we can see how God uses them and works in our lives if we look.  Sometimes we have to pause and consider, because we're running so fast that we don't look carefully and realize what is in front of us.  That's what this book is all about.  Basically, the author considers in short passages how all the parts of knitting reflect aspects of the Christian life.  There are stories of how to find and be a part of a knitting group.  There is a chapter with examples of how you can give through your knitting.  There is also a chapter with lists of books and websites that are helpful.  The chapter with little knitting tips made me want to try something more than a blanket. 

This is a light hearted read that will remind you of the truths you know and have heard over and over through your life as a believer.  This isn't an especially deep book.  It stays on the surface, but that's okay.  It is exactly what it sets out to be.  It is a collection of reflections of how God works in the little things we enjoy doing.  This quote by the author on page 13 sums it up well, "Knitting brings blessings to both sides of the needles, the creator and the receiver."

Please note that I was given a complimentary copy of this book for review by Revell Publishing.

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