I just realized that I never posted a link on this blog to the 9 lesson Photography Unit that I wrote. Or at least I didn't tag it and make it searchable on this blog!
This spring my kids and I did a 9 lesson photography unit that I wrote for them. It went really well! I am very excited about it. I've posted it so that I could share it with other families.
One note that I want to make about the unit is that I encountered one trick to making it doable and not overwhelming. In the lessons, I wrote a specific number of pictures for children to take. Stick to this number. For the first two lessons, I didn't and ended up overwhelmed by the number of pictures we had to look through. Once I made them stick to the number of pictures I specified, then all went much better. My oldest daughter became much more conscientious about thinking about each picture she took.
Here is a link to the unit: http://lovetopaint.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/photography-lessons-to-share.pdf
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