Tuesday, November 10, 2009

So glad to have well kids...

I think one of the hardest things about having sick kids is that they just don't act like themselves. For a week and a half, Eli was mostly cranky, sour mouthed, and crying. Yesterday, I watched him giggle when I tickled him, sign "please" for his milk, smile and laugh, wave good bye to a dog at the park, light up at the sight of all of the squirrels at the park, and just generally be in a good mood. What a blessing! And it helped my patience with everything else a lot too =)

Sami is getting over her cough still so I think it will take her a few more days. But, with her it's different--her tears. On one hand, older siblings help children grow up and then on the other, younger siblings keep them young. Sami so often acts like Autumn, but then so often acts like Eli too.

1 comment:

Kim said...

So glad to hear everyone is on the mend. I'm with you on the patience. I try to remember that they are sick, but after 3, 4, 5 days it gets the better of me and I end up yelling. Then I get sick and realize why they were so cranky. God really does have a sense of humor! :)