Friday, May 11, 2012

Encouraging Song

I heard this song a few days ago on Pandora and loved it.  One of the downsides of living in a society that has so much is that discontentment runs rampant and is quite contagious in our society.  I find myself fighting it regularly.  Recently my husband and I rewatched Office Space (which I don't recommend).  As with many movies, it was a lot worse than we remembered.  (Our memories had become selective about what we remembered from the movie.)  The plot centers around a group of employees who complain about where they work and don't like it--which is admittedly crummy.  Anyways, I heard this song and loved it.  

I actually do thank God for parking places!  I love to thank God for the little things.  Often life is not the way I want to be, but I trust Him and His plans.  I hope this song will encourage you too.

PS I did purchase this album via Amazon's MP3 download store and I like it a lot!

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