Monday, September 27, 2010


A month ago or so, I reviewed a devotional.  One of the entries addressed trials and suffering.  At the time, I couldn't articulate as well as I wanted to why one of the entries didn't seem biblical.  The author wrote that the purpose of suffering is so that we will be more happy.  The author went on to say that we have hope--though it wasn't exactly clear that the hope she was speaking of is our hope that we have in Christ--in heaven.  Please forgive my paraphrasing, I do not have the book in front of me.

This morning I read this quote by Jerry Bridges in The Fruitful Life and it expressed much better what I think the author of the other book meant...
"In His infinite wisdom, God allows trials in order to develop perseverance in us and cause us to fix our hopes on the glory that is yet to be revealed...Our faith and perseverance can grow only under the pain of trial." p. 79.

In the midst of daily trials and struggles, I often lose sight of the why of everything and when I do, I feel lost.  Truly, I need to fix my eyes on Jesus and trust him in each moment rather than giving in to myself.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That's a good quote. I recently heard a Pastor comment that Jesus life was marked by suffering and trials. And if we are buried with Christ into His death, wouldn't we expect that our life would look like His.

I thought it was an interesting point.