Monday, October 4, 2010


Yesterday our pastor spoke from Philippians on this passage:
 2I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3Yes, I ask you also, true companion, help these women, who have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.

He preached about seeking peace among our brothers and sisters in Christ--and about helping others do this.  
The applications I can remember were..
1) To seek peace with our brothers and sisters when we have a conflict and to know the scriptures so that we turn to God and that we can point others back to the Lord in the midst of conflict
2) Don't gossip.  It's easy to share something as Christians "out of concern" for others.  But, there is often a desire in our hearts to be "in the know".  I haven't fully pondered this point, but I think it is one that I will be praying about as I go through this week and consider what I talk to people about.
3) It isn't easy to do--to help people in conflict, but it is what God wants us to do.  Rather than taking sides, we are to seek reconciliation and peace.

I'm not sure how this connects.  But, this also came to my mind this morning.  About a month ago, my mom told me that a young woman I had gone to high school with was murdered by her husband who then took his own life afterwards. They had a 5 year old daughter.  The young woman had a page on Facebook and it helped me remember who she was.  She and her husband looked happy in the pictures they posted--their best foot forward.  And yet their lives ended in sadness.  Their little girl is now living with the young woman's sister.  I can't imagine how deeply her little heart hurts.  Her name is Hannah.  Please pray for her.

I suppose that is where this connects to our pastor's sermon.  He mentioned that so often there is conflict where all appears smooth.  But, we aren't to let that be.  We can put a face on it that all things are fine, but that doesn't always reflect the truth.  If we have a conflict with someone we are to go to that person and seek peace.  

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