Friday, August 15, 2008

Potty Training

When I step back, it really does seem funny to me that potty training can seem so intimidating! I got so anxious about it with Autumn and I have found myself with the same feelings with Sami. I'm not sure why, but I think I have realized a few things (that I'm sure many others before me have realized) about it =)

In Potty Training, I have to discipline myself to be more aware of my daughter's activities and the time that passes. In potty training, I am requiring my daughter then to discipline herself and train herself to listen to her body. That may require her to wake or to stop doing something she really enjoys doing. I think that's tough for us even as adults! =)

I've stayed home a lot this week and that will probably continue for a while. Sami does not like to use the potty in the store, but I have one in my car. So, when we went to run errands today, that was the one she used! What a blessing! I suppose it is a big praise that 5 days after starting potty training we could go run errands for 2 1/2 hours without an accident =) Thanks, God!

And speaking of disciplining myself, I need to go wake her right now!

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