Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An Example

Today someone was such an example to me of what it means to love my kids well. I was focused on getting the books on the tables for the book sale (and finding the ones I want for the kids) rather than focusing on teaching them to help me. One of the other ladies who was helping is a school librarian and she put my girls to work--and they really wanted to. I was so humbled and mortified that I had relegated my girls and was so focused on what I thought I needed to do--rather than using the experience to help them learn and loving them well. I need to slow down and work on this. And yet, at the same time I was blessed to see how they responded to other adults and how helpful they wanted to be. Sami truly has a heart that wants to be helpful. Autumn is now at an age where she has started to see how to be helpful without needing to be told or asked. I was blessed this morning to see the love in their hearts and to see how God is shaping them--even amidst my selfish pride.

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