Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Funny things the girls said

Yesterday while I was driving home after we went for a walk with a friend, Autumn said, "Eli loves you more than we do, Mommy." I replied and asked her if she and Sami didn't love me. She said, yes, they did, but Eli gets upset when I leave the room and they don't. So, Eli must love me more than they do.

Then last night we went to buy shoes for my husband and on the way home, we got into this silly train of talking about fruits and vegetables. I'm sure this already in some joke book somewhere, but I never read those and it seems far funnier when your own child says it or it happens to come out of your mouth or your spouse's. So, here's the jist of the funniest part. First we were singing the names of fruits of vegetables in all sorts of funny ways with operatic notes, but then we started a dialogue between the fruits and vegetables.

The strawberry said to the peach, I need to go brush my hair. The peach replied, I think you need a shave. The strawberry said, you're right. I do need one. The peach then said, "I've always got some fuzz, I never can get a clean shave." Then the watermelon chimed in with, "I never have that problem. I'm always smooth."


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