Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just a thought about Garage Saling

A good friend of mine emailed this to me in my struggles with my shortcomings and I wanted to share it because it was so well put and very encouraging to me...

"We need to look at our shortcomings, but remember that we can't stop there. We need to remember not just that our sin drove Christ to the cross, but that HIS LOVE for us drove Him there as well, and, most importantly, His love for His own glory. He died that HE may be glorified, right? So that HE could stay completely just and completely merciful, and we would have a way to come into His presence in order to lift HIM on high. SO - it GLORIFIES the Father to be merciful to you, not simply because He loves you, but because displays of His mercy help us understand a new dimension of His greatness. It GLORIFIES the Father to provide you with strength, and patience, and high-end childrens clothing for 25 cents. Because every good thing you do or is done to you during the day is God's, in that they are manifestations of some dimension of His character in our daily lives on earth. Every bad thing you do or is done to you during the day, that's Christ's, on the cross, because He loved you enough to take it. That's the ULTIMATE manifestation of God's glory on earth."

Dear friend thank you for your words. You are right. God has given you a great deal of wisdom =)

It made me smile especially about your comment about high-end children's clothing for 25 cents. It is one of the little ways that God always makes me smile as I see him provide for my children in ways that are more than I could imagine. And it is something that matters so much to me since the kids I went to school with made comments about my clothes. And yet my children wear Baby Gap dresses, even Laura Ashley, and Gymboree dresses that I've found for 25 cents. He has mercy and grace for me, my children, and my husband.

Thank you, God, for your gracious mercy and love!

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