Wednesday, September 10, 2008

a new chimney

I am tired, but God is so gracious. This week we found out on Monday that we needed a new chimney. It was put in today. Normally, I get stressed about all phone calls and follow up and the cost involved with home repairs that we can't do ourselves. But, this time, I have been pretty calm. I realized that the holes that rusted through had probably been there a while and although we needed to get it fixed asap, it wasn't going to be the end of the world if it took a week or two. It did make things a little harried at times trying to juggle phone calls and workmen visits with homeschooling and the rest of life, but it's done now!

But, there's another reason it seems minor this week. I have several friends who have major health issues going on in their lives and other big things to tackle--things that are much bigger than my little chimney. One of them is a friend of my Chris', Keith. Please pray for him. He took a 40 ft fall in California while hiking 10 days ago. He is in serious condition in a hospital in California. I get the chills when I think of his fall and how he is now. And then I pray.

1 comment:

becky.onelittle said...

It's not Keith K from DLI, is it? We have not kept up with him. Sorry about your chimney. We're dealing with termites here.