Monday, March 9, 2009


I just heard a moment ago about President Obama's intention to reverse the Bush's administration's policy today and to support embryonic stem cell research. He was quoted as saying "we should not allow ideology to dictate scientific and medical research".

Just because something medically can be done--doesn't mean it should be done. This idea has come to me many times over the past year since I read a really good book. Dr. Paul McHugh makes this point in his book The Mind Has Mountains (a great book about psychiatry and many current issues). He tells a story about talking with a colleague at one point who says to him that he has a horrible job--he destroys people's perfectly good body parts--because they don't want them, yet people all over the world would die to have their bodies work properly! A terrible irony.

Please pray for our president today. As we should always, really. It grieves me. Just because someone can steal, doesn't mean they should. Just because someone can cheat or lie, doesn't mean they should. Just because there is research that can be done, doesn't mean it should be done. There are better ways to do it.


becky.onelittle said...

His quote about ideology dictating research only brings into focus the slippery slope that separates us from Nazi Germany...
Send me your bean recipe- we love beans and pintos get old (only to me and Ian, my kiddos could eat them twice a day! :) I've been making refried beans for about seven years now. We love 'em :)

Kim said...

I think it is President Obama who is allowing ideology to dictate research. "The science" indicates that adult stem cells and umbilical cord cells are much more useful and promising than embryonic stem cells, with the added benefit of not killing a human being. Obama's position is completely in line with his position on abortion and places political policy far above actual scientific breakthrough. Pray, pray and pray some more. History will not judge us kindly on this issue.

Anne said...

Yes, I agree. There is an interesting paradox in what he has said.