Monday, May 11, 2009


There are times when my husband and I will disagree and he will be upset that something seems like a burden to me. The same can be true from my end. I hate to ask him to do something I need him to if I know it will be a burden.

But, here's the thought I had. Or rather a few of them. I force myself to still ask because I know it's important for him to do what I need him to and I know it's good for him to help me =) When my husband says something like that to me about what he sees as a burden to me, I explain to him that yes, indeed it does feel like a burden at times (whatever it may be), but that doesn't mean I don't want to or need to do whatever it is. Out of love I want to do whatever it is. Sometimes that will be easy for me --to accept that responsibility and take it on with joy. Other times, God is going to use it in my heart and I will be like my puppy Molly who wants to walk but doesn't want to heel, but needs to--

I think it's okay for something to be a burden sometimes to someone else. It's a lesson for both parties involved.

1 comment:

Kim said...

True love always requires sacrifice. Sometimes we do things we don't like or that are a burden because we love another. You are right. It is good for your husband, and for you, to know what you need help with.