Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fasting and Idols

I've never fasted from food because my blood sugars go out of whack easily even though I'm not hypoglycemic or diabetic. But, this week, I'm going to fast from something else--the television and technology--this computer. I've decided that I'm only going to check my email twice a day and do essential things on the computer. No facebook, no blogging, no shopping (unless I have to order something, but no looking in the process). My desire to fast comes from the feeling that I need to identify the idols in my life.

Romans 1:25 "...who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen."

from Tim Keller's study on Galatians "...idols are not sinful things, but good and basic things elevated into being ultimate things"

"An idol is anything in our lives that occupies the place that should be occupied by God alone." D.M. Lloyd-Jones, in Life in God: Studies in 1 John

"...acts as if God could not make him happy without the addition of something else."
Stephen Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God

"Has something or someone besides Jesus the Christ taken title to your heart's functional trust, preoccupation, loyalty, service, fear and delight?...the Lordship question: who or what "rules my behavior, the Lord or an idol?"
David Powlison, "Idols of the Heart and Vanity Fair"

My husband made a comment that made me think about the role this computer (the internet specifically) and television have in diverting my attention from the Lord. I have not had good quiet times or consistent Bible Study times in a long time since I finished working through the Parent's Handbook for Shepherding a Child's Heart. Television and the internet aren't inherantly bad, but when they take away from me sitting with the Lord each day, it isn't a good thing.

So, I've decided to fast for a week. I'm not sure what God is going to show me this week, but I will soon find out! =)

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