Wednesday, February 24, 2010


A few more thoughts about books...
It has been really interesting this past month as I've considered many of the books I read and what is beneficial for me to read and what isn't. The past two weeks, I've had the option to review several books that I've opted not to. What I review is a choice on my part. In the past, I've chosen to review a lot of books that I've been iffy about, but after last month, my mind has changed a lot about that.

I guess this is what I'm trying to say is...if I review a book and give it a not so positive review, it will be because I've had high hopes that it will be a good book--otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to review it. I also am choosing not to review books that I know outright that I will disagree with, unless I feel a strong impulse that I should read it. And there have been times that that has happened to me. But, I think that if I'm not the person who would be inclined to buy and read that book, then I don't think that I'm the best person to review it.

Here's an example...I don't think I'm the best person to read a historical Christian romance. After reading the romances last month that I did, I realized that I didn't notice a big difference between them and that they aren't really what I would recommend to people to read. I read the reviews by other people and they loved the books that I only felt so-so about. I'm not anti-romance books, but I like romance when it is more realistic like in The Sweet By and By or Dreams That Won't Let Go. It's the same reason that the ending scene between Jennifer Anniston and Ben Affleck in He's Just Not That Into You makes me smile. There is a genuine sense of being realistic to the relationship rather than simply being about emotion. There was a chemistry between them because they simply loved going through life together in a very down to earth way.

One more quick example...I don't think I'm the best person to review a Catholic Prayer book for Children. There are some distinct facets of Catholic theology as it is taught to children in the catechism that are not what I believe (ie. prayer to saints), so it isn't a book I would buy or check out of the library to read to my children.

When I am given the choices about what to review on Amazon, though, I do not solely review Christian books. Many of the books I choose are not and I have learned so much from them and have enjoyed many of them!

Anyways, I just thought I'd explain a little about why I choose to review the books that I do and don't choose others.

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