Sunday, February 7, 2010

A good reminder

I appreciate good reminders. I feel like there's so many things that I'm trying to remember, and often forget. I forgot to really teach my children about the snow today and really enjoy it. I shoveled and got lost in the business of taking care of them. I'm very human. But, I enjoyed Shepherd Press' blog tonight just before I head to bed and the reminder that it is God who made this snow and just like everything else that happens, it is a reminder to trust Him and know that it is He who has created all things. =)

I think tomorrow we'll go make some snow chairs and measure how deep the snow is in different places--Monday's math! Are there any good and easy science experiments for little ones with snow? Maybe we'll hypothesize about how heavy the snow is or how much snow we can carry or we can problem solve and try and figure out a way to carry snow... the gears in my mind are starting slowly turn =)


Mel said...

You can always talk about the phases of H20.

Kim said...

Sounds good. Don't forget to build a snowman and go sledding. You can always have the girls "sled" on there bellies like penguins and call it a science lesson! ;) Have Fun!