Friday, March 19, 2010

Cooking...Here I come!

It's amazing to realize that my husband has now been gone almost 11 weeks. He will return in 2 days!

So, for me, that means back to cooking a lot...
But also back to eating good food =)

It means cleaning regularly...
But it means having a cleaner house =)

It means going to bed at 10 p.m....
But it also means that I'll be getting the sleep I really need =)

It means getting up at 5 am...
But that means I'll have enough time in the am for my quiet times and working out =)

It means that my husband will be back and I won't be alone with 3 kids and a dog anymore! Yay!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yay! I pray for safe travels for your husband and joy and peace for you and the kids.