Monday, February 2, 2009

Americans and Missions

I remembered while in the shower that the Judaizers also came up when my husband and I were talking about missions in light of the book I'm reading right now. It's really good. It's about microfinance efforts in Africa. But, it has brought up a lot of questions for me. One of them is something I've struggled with for a long time. The author of the book I'm reading makes the point early on that she had to learn humility and meet the women she went to help where they were at and get them on board--not try to mold them to her ideas and what she wanted to come in and do.

The question I come up against periodically is this: Are Christian missionaries from the United States sharing Christ with the people they go to love or are they like the Judaizers--trying to share with them American Christianity? My impression is that there are both type of missionaries serving the world right now. Some go to serve and love the people and their culture--and not try to change them. Others seem to go and share American Christianity. One of the autobiographies I just read recounted visiting an American run orphanage in Africa and then the state run orphanage. They were vastly different.

The Judaizers believed that the gentiles needed to be circumcised and observe the Jewish customs in order to truly be saved. But, Christ plus something--anything--nullifies the Christ's death on the cross for our sins. The Judaizers were wrong. Paul makes that very clear in Galatians. But, that idea is still so prevalent in our society--that we can work out our salvation--that it is our works that will save us. The Word is very clear that it is not our works, but God's grace that saves us.

Well, those are the thoughts I'm pondering. I would love to hear other people's thoughts on their recent experiences with missions in light of the question I've posed in this entry! Thanks!

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