Tuesday, February 24, 2009

History Lesson

Part 1
So many students ask why we study history--it is so we can learn from the past--know what happened and try not to make the same mistakes again.

If my children will listen some day when they are grown, I will advise them this way: Do not get a puppy when you have a baby. Do not get a puppy when you have a baby and other children. Do not get a puppy when you have a baby, other children, and are homeschooling =) There is only so much that one person can juggle in a day.

I hope some day they will listen to me.

Part 2
Having a puppy is like having a second baby before the first one is weened. Except--you can't put diapers on them! That makes life a little more complicated. You have to take the puppy out no matter what. You can't let the second (the puppy wait) if the first one is eating, etc. or else you will have an accident.

And this trial too shall pass...
or so they say =)


Elisa Melani said...

Oh.... I wish I could help, but I think we would just add to the chaos.

Kim said...

I'm sorry I had to run out this morning. We were on a tight schedule. Hang in there. It will get easier. And puppy love is almost as sweet as a baby's.