Sunday, July 12, 2009

Autumn and the piano

Autumn started piano lessons 2 weeks ago. It's been interesting to try and get in the habit of having her practice every day. I'm realizing that I need to find a way to begin teaching her to take responsibility for it. She can read the theory book and do it all on her own. I think her reading level is a solid second grade now. But, I had a thought today about her practicing.

When I have sat down with her, we've taken time to do all of it until she got it right. It was as if I was trying to tackle all of the issues at once. Playing it, getting the counting right, the words right, etc. Today, I had the thought that it would be wiser to just tackle it bit by bit. Get her fingers used to the songs, then add in the rhythm (the count) another day, and then add in the words another day. I think that will make it more fun for her and spread out the work =) I really want her to enjoy it and not for it to be work that she doesn't look forward to.

I realized that's how most of us are, I think. I want to be able to work on it and get it right the first time and quickly to boot! But, really, life is never like that =) Everything takes time =)


becky.onelittle said...

How exciting that Autumn's learning piano. That's so hard to imagine, I always picture her as a toddler forever :)
I'm experiencing the same thing right now :) Our church pianist doesn't read music- she's phenominal at playing pretty much anything with chords, but the lady that directs our choir (a sitting cellist with our local symphony orchestra) wants her to play certain arrangements that she's picked up- and the pianist doesn't want to. It's too much effort. So my friend the director just gave me a stack of sheet music to learn. I feel totally inadequate, but it's fun to pick through it, one note at a time till I've got the fingerings down, playing complicated rhythms one hand at a time till I can get them together. Then gaining the finger strength to play page after page after page well enough to be sung with. I haven't played regularly since junior high, but I did have 10 years of lessons so this is kinda fun. I wish I had been taught differently though, I was trained classically, and I really appreciate the pianists chord theory and knowledge of fill ins. I know chords just because I know them, but I'm clueless at fill ins- I intend to learn though.

Anne said...

That's awesome Becky! Wow! I took from 3rd to 5th grade. But, it takes me a lot to practice and get a piece down (I was never really that good). My hubby, though, he learned the chord way of playing so he can accompany worship bands. When this teacher was recommended to me, my friend told me that she wasn't focused on perfection, but more on the learning. I think that's a really good thing at the age Autumn's at. And good for me to remember too =) Hey, how was your fast?