Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Yesterday, we were sitting doing our grammar lesson from the Well Trained Mind (which I really like) and talking about the state names as proper nouns. Autumn was looking at the map and realized that Washington, where her cousin lives, is very far from where their grandma lives in New York. Autumn asked "How does she get there?" I said, "By going on an airplane." Autumn replied, "Kids can go on airplanes? How do they do that?" Autumn went on a plane when she was 18 months old, but hasn't been on one since and Sami hasn't been on one at all. I realized that they've only seen their Daddy go on airplanes.

As for writing the name of California, where their other grandma lives. Autumn asked, "Why is it spelled that way?" Good question. =) I always wondered that when I was little.

1 comment:

Kim said...

To trip up unsuspecting first graders on spelling tests, of course! Autumn, just wait till you get to Connecticut! :)