Saturday, September 5, 2009

Poirot and the Jesus Storybook Bible

A few years ago, I got hooked on the Poirot movies. I watched all of the ones that were out on DVD. I got very used to David Suchet's voice as Poirot.

The Deluxe Jesus Storybook Bible is going to be coming out in October, I believe. The difference between this edition and the current one in publication is that the deluxe version comes with audio cds with the stories on them.

And guess who is reading them? David Suchet. I wasn't sure what I would think, but I listened to a sample (at ). I liked it.

I'll be honest that I'm not always sure what I think about Christian book publishers and the marketing of books and such. But, I know also that there is a place for it and often my family has been very blessed by the things we've discovered through word of mouth marketing. So, that's what this blog entry is. Do you like the audio samples?

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