Thursday, September 10, 2009

Commercial Break...

I'm going to continue on with my testimony tomorrow, but I had to interrupt and simply praise God! Why do I believe? Because He does so much more than I could ever imagine or fathom or hope for in the hearts of men.

I am reading Trusting God by Jerry Bridges (forgive me for repeating that part) and I was just reminded for a moment how God controlled the heart of the King and he works in the hearts of the people in our lives--and in our own hearts at times against our will(!).

Today, we were anxious and apprehensive about how we would feel as we went to sleep knowing what meetings were ahead. My husband had two meetings today. I hoped at the most for an amicable, peaceful ending to both. Instead, God brought us healing and hope! HOPE! My heart rejoices! And the hard feelings that were in my heart have been erased--not by my own doing, but by God's. It is in my human nature to want to hold onto them. But, when I was about to lay down, I realized they were gone!

That is part of why I have faith in God.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh, Suzanne, that is wonderful! :) What a great and merciful God we serve!